Bayern Innovativ

Bayern Innovativ

Since 1995 Bayern Innovativ has been acting as one of the most important innovation stimulators of the Bavarian state. The company provides support through customized innovation services to enable accelerated idea realization and establish greater innovative power in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Bayern Innovativ supports business and science in the most diverse areas of the value chain with expertise in technology and knowledge transfer as well as innovation. As an interface player, the company aims to promote strategic collaboration and build an ecosystem of networks.

Rental conditions

Office and work space

plus Service costs
plus legal valid VAT of currently 19%
  • IGZ-flat rate 2,00 EUR / qm
  • Incidental/operating expenses** 3,00 EUR / qm
  • Office basic rent 7,60 EUR / qm
  • Production areas 5,10 EUR / qm
  • Basement/storage/warehouse space 3,10 EUR / qm
  • Coworking-workspace 230,00 EUR

    all inclusive

  • Virtual Office - BASIC 55,00 EUR

    The tenant himself is responsible for emptying.

  • Virtual Office - PREMIUM 80,00 EUR

    inclusive Emptying and sending 1x week to one address

*The IGZ flat rate includes the provision of infrastructure as well as

  • free use of seminar and conference rooms for tenants
  • Tea kitchens on each floor
  • Common areas such as reception area, corridors, kitchens, toilets, staircases, elevator, shower, etc.

** The incidental/operating costs are billed 1x per year;
the incidental/operating costs do not include electricity consumption for the rented premises.